Friday, May 3, 2013

Father / Daughter Bonding

My husband and I had our 4th (and last) daughter 3 weeks ago.   This newest little princess has captured all of our hearts and attention without effort.  Watching him fall in love with her makes me fall in love with him all over again.  To me, there is nothing more beautiful than seeing the love unfold between my husband and daughters.

He is a very hands-on father...  I love seeing the awe on his face as he memorizes every perfect detail of her face, hands, and toes.  I watch as he finds his likeness in her tiny little being, and as he plays "super-baby" or "earthquake" even though she's too little to understand the games.  I love watching her grab his finger in her sleep or seeing her give him a grin as he settles her in the swing.  I love it when he wakes up to grab her at the break of dawn to cuddle her and feed her while I'm still sleeping.  I even get a kick out of it when he helps me bathe her and tells me if I'm not doing it quite right. 
Watching him dance with her at 3 weeks old was a very sweet & special gift - it's a memory that I will cherish forever.  I wish I had a video, but since I didn't capture it in time - I can at least share the song  ("Oooo Baby Baby")  Every father should take the time to dance with his baby girl. 

At the least little whimper he is at her beck and call to make sure she is happy & safe.  He has his own way of doing things, and I will always let him find his own rhythm and method even if it's different from mine.

The simple everyday acts of cuddling, feeding, changing, bathing, & playing are all acts of love that create a bond - not only with mothers, but also with fathers.  It's where parenting begins and it kicks off a huge partnership in the marriage.


I am the busy mother of 4 girls - ages 18, 16, 14, & 1 month.  I went from being one of the younger moms with my older girls to one of the older moms with my youngest.  Time and experience has definitely changed my perspective!

I have a greater awe of the miracle of life, and a much better appreciation for my husband and the dynamics of our relationship.  It is wonderful to see the solid friendships between my girls and the love that they have for each other.  The older girls easily embraced their youngest sister and what could have been a very difficult transition became a sweet normality in our world.